From the beginning, we have not been a typical independent bookstore; we eschew the trendy, and do not carry books solely based on their salability. Instead, we're selective, offering an eccentric community of books based on this organizing principle: if a book—be it literary, scientific, historical, or theological—sheds light on ultimate questions in an excellent way, then it's a worthy candidate for inclusion in our catalog.
Reality doesn't divide itself into "religious" and "literary" and "secular" spheres, so we don't either. We're convinced that all truths are related and every truth, if we pay attention rightly, directs our gaze towardGod. One of our customers found us "eclectic but orthodox." We like that.
We also resonate with St. Justin Martyr in his Second Apology (paraphrased a bit): that which is true, is ours.
Store Hours: Mon. thru Fri. 10am-8pm, Sat. 10am-6pm