Inspire. Restore. Prevent.
Mend means hope. Led by one of the most experienced and credentialed physical therapists in Kansas, we bring a progressive, expert perspective to our patients and clients.
Perhaps you are worried that you won’t regain the functionality that you’ve temporarily lost. Perhaps you just "can’t take the pain or disappointment any longer," even losing hope. Perhaps you are a doctor with a challenging case that needs to be addressed with the greatest of care.
Mend means hope.
Led by one of the most experienced and credentialed physical therapists in Kansas, we bring a progressive, expert perspective to our patients and clients. Having worked with many of the best and brightest therapists and specialty doctors around the country, and certainly in Kansas, Mend offers therapies and insights not commonly found elsewhere.
What does this mean for patients? A high level of personal care. Confidence. Candor. Encouragement. Better family support. Rapid recovery. Even hope with friendship